Horse Treats apple carrots molasses honey oats


About 6 months ago, our friend Piper, gifted Buddy some horse treats. Now the thing about these horse treats is that they are made with natural ingredients so they are both horse and human friendly. Buddy LOVED these treats, as did I! 

If you are looking for a gift for your horse, I highly recommend you give these a go. Super easy and delicious! Thanks for the recipe, Piper! 


4 carrots
4 apples (we used 2 green and 2 red)
3 sticks of licorice
2 1/2 cups oats
3/4 cup honey
1/3 cup molasses

1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees celsius. 
2. Place oats, honey and molasses in a bowl. Combine. 
3. Place on lined baking tray and bake for 15 minutes, or until golden.
4. Cut apples and carrots into rough chunks and place in thermo mix. Add 1/2 cup water. Blitz until fruit is a pulp consistency. If you don't have a thermomix, you can grate the fruits. 
5. Add 2 tbls of honey to the mix. 
6. Strain the fruit and honey mixture over a colander (with a muslin cloth or clean teatowel). Drink the juice! It's worth it, I promise! 
7. Chop the licorice sticks into small pieces. 
8. Put carrot mix, licorice and toasted oat mixture in a bowl. Combine.
9. Place treat mix into ice-cube tray, filling 3/4 full. Place in freezer for 1 hour to firm up. 
10. Remove from freezer and ice-cube tray and place on lined oven tray, baking for 15 minutes. 
11. Cool the treats and enjoy! 


 We'd love to know if you try them! Feel free to tag us in a pic on socials xx

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