We all have that one thing we’ve been meaning to work on with our horses, don’t we? Maybe it’s fixing something that’s slipped, tackling a skill you’ve been avoiding, or even just finding the time to bond more. Life gets busy, priorities shift, and suddenly that goal feels like it’s been sitting on the back burner forever.
For me, it’s retraining Raven. Over time, little gaps in his education have started showing up - nothing major, but enough that they need sorting out. So, we’re going back to the basics. Regular lessons with his groundwork trainer, who's training Raven, and me (!), and with Matilda's riding coach - she took this photo, how sweet is he 🥰.
It’s not easy, let me tell you. Starting over is tough, and it can feel frustrating. But in the long run, I know Raven will be a safer, more reliable horse for Matilda, and that makes every effort 100% worth it.
If you’ve got something you’ve been putting off with your horse, I get it. Sometimes it feels like too much to start. But here’s the thing - it doesn’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to do it all at once. Just take one step to get moving.
Here’s what I’m doing with Raven:
Figure Out What Needs Work
What’s the one thing that’s nagging at you? For Raven, it’s groundwork and teaching him to be less reactive in all situations. Take a minute to think about what’s most important for you and your horse right now. -
Set a Goal You Can See
It doesn’t have to be huge. Maybe it’s something as simple as getting your horse to stand quietly or being able to canter confidently in the arena. Write it down so you know what you’re working toward. Any chance I get to practice groundwork that Raven is doing in the arena, I do between the arena and the paddock, when safe to do so. 🥰 -
Break It Down
Big goals can feel overwhelming, so start small. For me, it’s just 10–15 minutes of groundwork a few times a week - Raven getting used to me being his leader. Progress is progress, no matter how small. -
Stick With It
This is the hardest part, right? But showing up consistently (even when it feels slow) is what makes a difference. Keep at it - you’ve got this! I think for me it's making time in my day. I have time - it's just reorganising my priorities. -
Celebrate Every Win
Don’t wait until the big goal is done to celebrate. Every little step forward matters. Give yourself - and your horse - credit for every bit of progress. Raven not crowding my space - that's a win and I will take it!
For me and Raven, it’s all about taking our time and trusting the process. Each session, no matter how small, gets us closer to that goal. And honestly? It feels pretty good to be making progress together again.
So, what’s the one thing you’ve been putting off? What’s a small step you can take toward it today? Let’s stop overthinking it and start making it happen - one ride, one session, one moment at a time.